There are some quotes which deeply damnly calmly irritating me... From the novel that Prescribed by Ika Natassa "Divortiare" Which published after her first book "A very yuppy wedding" (AVYW) Yg bukunya dipinjem adek gue dan gone entah kemana. Yg gue tagih2 penuh dendam kesumat ke adek cowok gue itu, hhe. These are the rebelious sentences to sentences which so worth for me... Grab grab ... " Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It's almost like getting a tattoo. You think and think before you get one. And once you got one, its sticks to you hard and deep." (Alexandra in Divortiare) " People ask me when do i actually have the time to write with my impossible working schedule? Yeah, business trips are the greatest perks of my job. Those trips also provides me with the quintessential opportunity to learn about the people who actually made it for themselves. People are fascinating, you know. And what's even more fascinating ia the ...