
Showing posts from January, 2013

Zwanisha Robbaniy: Finger Tutting, Love love it...

Zwanisha Robbaniy: Finger Tutting, Love love it... : Love it, love it...  Love Fingertutting. <3 <3 Does anyone know what the Finger Tutting is? Tut tut... Does it the voice of flatus whi...

Finger Tutting, Love love it...

Love it, love it...  Love Fingertutting. <3 <3 Does anyone know what the Finger Tutting is? Tut tut... Does it the voice of flatus which go through the finger ? hehehe Heem, maybe everyone has known what finger tutting is.. Finger Tutting is a street dance style just like Gangnam Style which is booming today.  This FT dance focus on hand and finger moving, make a pattern/scheme/format (pola) like a box format, hearth form etc deuh.  the renowned artist of FT are JayFunk and JSmooth. Nah, want to know more? what does make Raditya Dika study FT to the master in thailand directly? You will love it when first time see the FT Just check it out....

Friendship song, a gift for all my friends

Yuhhuuu.....These are my lovely song, definitely a friend song. Love, love it very much... Friends however are very valuable and costless in this world.  Who stay beside you and see what your other side honestly.   Ps : You can tell me which one is your favorite song, just tell me then... ;D  See the list and lets listen... Gift Of A Friend (Demi Lovato)   Count On Me (Bruno Mars)  (My best) Raise You Glass (P!nk)

How to grab my wirting inspiration?

Halloo.... Morning! morning! Happy morning! :D Today, I really want to share my little tips 'how to grab our inspiration when we  blank to write?" Sometimes many people dont have any idea to write althought they must do it. or have a passion but no idea. have a deadline but still dont get the idea to write.  So, sometimes i do. but i have a tricks to keep steer it . ;D. I have little tricks and tips when i dont have any idea to write. Grab it guys...

Feeling better because little things...

If we approve to see around us, many little things can make us happy. To me, happiness is not just when i m laughing, but crying sometimes means happiness too, make a sense right? Today, exactly this morning. Yay, I was so happy because some little things... Read, read! :')  1. I got up earlier than yesterday, and pray tahajud... it the best things.  2. Before six and half I have clean and tidy my room (sweeping and moping) it's cool because my roon has been clean before seven. Happy...happy... 3. I took bath earlier, washed my hair, took a breakfast before 7 am too. :') 4. Saying 'HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY, mom and dad!" it's really made me happy when realized that they are have been together for 1/5 century. Cool... 5. Rain in the morning, also the best moments. When you smell the wet ground, you would feel very peaceful heart inside. hemm...and im smelling it now.  6. Blogging under 8 am also very pleasure for me... Nb : thanks to Diana R...

Holiday dont leave me..

And time goes on, it three days left to Monday...Argghhh There are so many plans on my mind to do this holiday. is the fact I study diligently in the first and second, I got fever in three days, cant do something except sneezing...mucusing.., at saturday, time to take a rest. I take my holyday at saturday and sunday. at second week... i was busy enough. Monday, from 7 am I have to stay in the office, maintaining the clinic class, conditioning, calling, sreaming (sometimes hho) till 12.30. at same day, many projects ask my responsibiliy (huahhh....)... preparing mine and friends submissions. what a hectic day. just finished at sunset. Tuesday, wednesay, thursday, my routinuty are, morning = in the office, afternoon = taking rest and joking with friends, sometimes sleep or seeing film. Night=study till i over slept. Sometimes i ask to the time, when i definitely taking a rest=really holiday. no distrubing. when i thought about this, i just realized that ...

12 Month 12 Moment

 Maybe it seems too late. Many people have posted their flashback times before the firework dance on the sky, before the fluits blew up. And it almost 4th January and i just post mine... hehee.. There are many happiness and sadness in this years. But over all, i thanks very much to Allah. For giving last year and this year,  give new chances, new spirit, new time, new era for me to build and continue many dreams on my way. I believe that was happened in the past are the best given from Allah. Last year i got many lucky also lacks and tear. But Allah, always in my side. Guiding me overtime. I raised up day to day im the past. I will share little of my unforgattable moments happened in the past: the most unforgattable.

Happy 20th Anniversary!
