Holiday dont leave me..

And time goes on, it three days left to Monday...Argghhh

There are so many plans on my mind to do this holiday. is the fact
I study diligently in the first and second,
I got fever in three days, cant do something except sneezing...mucusing..,
at saturday, time to take a rest. I take my holyday at saturday and sunday.
at second week... i was busy enough.
Monday, from 7 am I have to stay in the office, maintaining the clinic class, conditioning, calling, sreaming (sometimes hho) till 12.30. at same day, many projects ask my responsibiliy (huahhh....)... preparing mine and friends submissions. what a hectic day. just finished at sunset.
Tuesday, wednesay, thursday, my routinuty are, morning = in the office, afternoon = taking rest and joking with friends, sometimes sleep or seeing film. Night=study till i over slept.

Sometimes i ask to the time, when i definitely taking a rest=really holiday. no distrubing.
when i thought about this, i just realized that i still luckier than other who has to struggle whole of his life. Im still lucky to get my authority time although sometimes under pressure.

thats way, i thank to Allah and trie to be more more more positive person. 


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