How to grab my wirting inspiration?

Morning! morning! Happy morning! :D

I really want to share my little tips 'how to grab our inspiration when we  blank to write?"
Sometimes many people dont have any idea to write althought they must do it.
or have a passion but no idea. have a deadline but still dont get the idea to write. 
So, sometimes i do. but i have a tricks to keep steer it . ;D.

I have little tricks and tips when i dont have any idea to write. Grab it guys...

1. Googling, when googling you should see manythings and grab the inspiration from that.
2. Listening the song, looking for the song whis is suitable with your theme. for the example : you want to write about friendship, you can listen many songs about friendship, see the lyrics and the video clips.
3. Searching for a writing competition. Hem... for me this is one of my tricks to jack up my motivation and inspirations. you may follow this, say to me if it usefull for you too. 
4. Reading a book
5. Listening your friends story, sometimes the inspiration come when it. 

And the important one, you should have your own way how to get the inspiration and motivation. dont wait another, just found it yourself.  

Happy writing every one...happy writing....


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