
Showing posts from February, 2015

Cooking issue

My biggest issue in this year is my health. After done a surgeon in early January, I feel my body becomes weaker day to day. I was really easy getting an illness. Two weeks after the surgery, I got typus a week. One week after that, coughing catched me.. Yummy Then, the sub consequences of my health concern is I have to deal with cooking lalala stuffs in my daily life. How's people life changing day to day, time to time, So do I. Actually I'm girl with NO NO NO cooking. Yesterday, I never had cooking in my to do list agenda, oh my gosh, even in my wildest dream and imagination, never. But, today. Cooking is one of the first thing to do in my morning business. After having long argument with my parent, about how the really concern about my healthy 20 years later. Then, cooking (which in my opinion is one of activities that wastes my times) is really good to sharp my girl side (?) And my time management skill when I have to be a mom, sometimes, besides healthy concerns. We...

Good Bye Header Zwanisha Robbaniy

YAY This is my new interface and header name. Why? Hem, maybe because every people change by their own reasons. just wait the next post for the reasons... though, it has not finished yet... and still grow up. I love to share the newest news about this blog. see ya...:)

Love this :) F for proudness

When I have an idea to re-branding my blog username between using my true name or my social-media's name. I tried to compare both popularities in search engines.  unfortunately, i found the really fun site   for me (because it provides my name's meaning LOL). You know, it is quite damn fact that my name is really hard to be pronounced by Indonesian people tonges. well, i dont judge in general but it had happened to 80% of my friend in first introduction time with me. "Pardon, fahira?" "No, it has 'k' before 'h'..." "Fakira?" (silent)...."Sorry, no..." "Faira?" (holding breath)...."Er, it actually is 'khira', you've lost two letters " or even worse...  "Pakira?"...  "arrr"

How do you respond your problems?

Kemarin, setelah makan siang di food court kampus, saya diserang pusing yang tak tertahankan. Bagaikan migrain, tapi di kedua sisi. Saya sesegera mungkin mengayuh sepeda saya untuk pulang ke kos (saya pencinta lingkungan jadi hamp i r setiap hari menggunakan sepeda). Yang ada di pikiran saya hanya satu, yaitu istirahat. Sesampainya di kos, saya segera berbaring dan menidurkan diri.