Love this :) F for proudness
When I have an idea to re-branding my blog username between using my true name or my social-media's name. I tried to compare both popularities in search engines. unfortunately, i found the really fun site for me (because it provides my name's meaning LOL).
You know, it is quite damn fact that my name is really hard to be pronounced by Indonesian people tonges. well, i dont judge in general but it had happened to 80% of my friend in first introduction time with me.
"Pardon, fahira?" "No, it has 'k' before 'h'..."
"Fakira?" (silent)...."Sorry, no..."
"Faira?" (holding breath)...."Er, it actually is 'khira', you've lost two letters "
or even worse...
"Pakira?"... "arrr"
Hahaha... and many unconciousness mistakes were done by administrative office in doing my name in many administration stuff, such as medical card, attendance list, student card, and many other uncorrect spelling name in many places.
I think it is funny fact and ironic in the same time.
so, i quite hesitate to use my real name for my blog. Well, i think this is reasonable because my name is not too popular.
I learned from many experiences before, and usually i have prepare a piece of paper which written on it my name with it true spelling and the part to be careful of your pronounciation. "Fakhirah"
The second most popular question about my name after 'pardon, can you repeat your name,' is.....
"What is the meaning of your 'difficult' name?"
Since i have studied arabic language when i was in second grade of elementary school, i really willy nilly understand my name's meaning.
But it is (always) interesting to find out what is your name meaning in internet without any mistake.
well check it out, what i've found about my name:
You know, it is quite damn fact that my name is really hard to be pronounced by Indonesian people tonges. well, i dont judge in general but it had happened to 80% of my friend in first introduction time with me.
"Pardon, fahira?" "No, it has 'k' before 'h'..."
"Fakira?" (silent)...."Sorry, no..."
"Faira?" (holding breath)...."Er, it actually is 'khira', you've lost two letters "
or even worse...
"Pakira?"... "arrr"
Hahaha... and many unconciousness mistakes were done by administrative office in doing my name in many administration stuff, such as medical card, attendance list, student card, and many other uncorrect spelling name in many places.
I think it is funny fact and ironic in the same time.
so, i quite hesitate to use my real name for my blog. Well, i think this is reasonable because my name is not too popular.
I learned from many experiences before, and usually i have prepare a piece of paper which written on it my name with it true spelling and the part to be careful of your pronounciation. "Fakhirah"
The second most popular question about my name after 'pardon, can you repeat your name,' is.....
"What is the meaning of your 'difficult' name?"
Since i have studied arabic language when i was in second grade of elementary school, i really willy nilly understand my name's meaning.
But it is (always) interesting to find out what is your name meaning in internet without any mistake.
well check it out, what i've found about my name:
Nama Fakhirah artinya adalah Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus yang diberikan untuk seorang anak Perempuan. Nama Fakhirah berasal dari Arab (Islam), dengan huruf awal F dan terdiri atas 8 huruf. Kata Fakhirah memiliki pengertian, definisi, maksud atau makna Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus, bisa digunakan untuk nama bayi (nama anak), nama perusahaan, nama merek produk, nama tempat, dan lain sebagainya. Kata Fakhirah yang bermakna Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus serta berasal dari Arab (Islam) ini boleh anda gunakan selama arti Fakhirah tidak berkonotasi negatif di lingkungan anda.the site you can visit to this link :)
Informasi Lebih Rinci (Detil) :
Kata / Nama : Fakhirah
Arti Nama : Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus
Asal Nama : Arab (Islam)
Jenis Kelamin Nama : Perempuan
Huruf Awal Nama : F
Jumlah Huruf Nama : 8 Huruf
Bentuk/Arti Nama Lain : -
Contoh Nama Populer : -
Contoh Kombinasi Nama : -
Keterangan : -
Kesimpulan dari Nama Fakhirah :
Kesimpulan 1 : Pengertian atau arti nama Fakhirah adalah Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus
Kesimpulan 2 : Salah satu bentuk nama yang memiliki arti Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus yaitu adalah nama Fakhirah
Kesimpulan 3 : Nama Fakhirah yang berarti Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus adalah nama untuk manusia berjenis kelamin Perempuan
Kesimpulan 4 : Nama Fakhirah asal-muasalnya dari Arab (Islam) yang mempunyai makna Kebanggaan; Yang Bagus
Kami mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan atau kekurangan, dan semoga informasi nama Fakhirah yang sederhana ini membawa manfaat bagi kita semua.
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