
Showing posts from April, 2013

Meretas Waktu

Gadis muda itu begitu lincah kesana kemari. Begitu sibuk rupanya. Meskipun demikian, sesempat mungkin ia menebar senyum kepada siapa saja yang ditemuinya. Penampilannya khas, bergamis dan berkerudung lebar.   Tas ransel hitam   besar senantiasa tersampir di pundaknya. Tak lupa, Laptop Lenovo merah adalah perangkat wajibnya.   Juga sepatu gunung warna setiap mengiringi langkahnya.

1#Simple Happines

Simply Happiness 3 days ago ^^: I get up early, fresh and passionate with all my vision and dreams Doing something usefull : cleaning all my stuffs and bathrooms. Reading a favorite novel without   distrubbed by someone. Yeah, Getting big smile from another (huh, make jealous with the smiles) So give back smile to another Tap dance on the keyboard as I want Sleeping early with tired body, and make my sleep well. Walking every morning and sunset in three days past. Swimming at Saturday (yeah, after months I dreamed it). Aerobic at Sunday (happy for moving our bodies). I hope by thanking a small cheerfulnes, I can thanking more the biggest blessing. Ang throw away all my reasons to grumbling of little sadness. Because we have million of happiness around us. By thanking small, we prepare to thanking big.

Gulity feeling

Wazzappp bro di H+2 UN SMA kamu? Kalau saya di H+2   UN saya malah dapet unforgottable accident! Hem... Pernah ngerasain dibawa kabur sama angkot yang nabrak orang? Imagine! I just felt it yesterday. Di H+2 UN…. Arrhhh.. Baiklah begini ceritanya.


  Kriek...kriek...kursi goyang tua itu berayun maju mundur stabil. Mengayun-ayun lembut wanita tua yang duduk diatasnya. Setiap satu ayunan akan berbunyi kriek...kriek...dua kali. Begitu terus sepanjang pagi dan sore setiap hari. Wanita tua itu pada hakikatnya tidak sedang bermalas-malasan, ia sedang menunggu, menunggu dan terus menunggu. Menunggu seseorang. Rambut dan kulitnya menunjukkan ia sudah berumur, mungkin sekitar enam puluh tahun atau lebih. Ia tak pernah mau bercerita pada petugas panti jompo. Namun, jika sesuai data ia hari ini tepat berumur enam puluh delapan tahun. Ah, ia berulang tahun hari ini. selamat ulang tahun nenek.


Yups, life is so random and never walking trough a linear ways. Sometimes its diagonal, simetrys or absurd. So I felt, how random life is. Actually, I don't know what should I write on this blanck white entry paper. so i decide to let my finger dancing in the keybord and see what the result of it. I ask sorry before if my written till this minutes is too random too. hem, i just follow my weird self and opinion. but, from deep of my hearth.  hopefully its meaningful too others. Sometimes we have to think randomly, not always linear. Life is not one plus one is two, sometimes it could be ten or million of million. sometimes we should out of the box and confront the flow. Sometimes we must be different in goodness. But, over the words i said above. Just stay true, true here means under the real rules -youknowhat- yap, Allah rules. The end... Hahaha... Obviously, above is the results of my random tap dance.

It's simply happiness

I felt so upset and sad. Few days before UN (National Examination) came, I called up my parents just for telling that once more my math   mark wasn’t grow up. It stay calm at vey limited standart. Hahaa… Naturally, a drop of water flew from my eyes. That my responses. Feeling so bad through a day. It's not about   math, but about how silly of me. After that, my parent ask me about the reason of my cry. I answered : Because I feel tired someday just like   today, I felt so tired to try, because the result almost never change. It stuck there. Then, I cry a lot. And, Allah blessed me and made enlightening conversation happened between my parent and me, thanks Allah.   Thanks for making my solution came so soon at all. :D