It's simply happiness
I felt so
upset and sad.
Naturally, a drop of water flew from my eyes. That my responses. Feeling so bad through a day. It's not about math, but about how silly of me.
Few days
before UN (National Examination) came, I called up my parents just for telling
that once more my math mark wasn’t grow
up. It stay calm at vey limited standart. Hahaa…
Naturally, a drop of water flew from my eyes. That my responses. Feeling so bad through a day. It's not about math, but about how silly of me.
After that,
my parent ask me about the reason of my cry. I answered : Because I feel tired
someday just like today, I felt so tired
to try, because the result almost never change. It stuck there.
Then, I cry
a lot.
And, Allah
blessed me and made enlightening conversation happened between my parent and
me, thanks Allah. Thanks for making my
solution came so soon at all. :D
This was my
conversation :
(Ayah : A, S
: Saya)
A : kenapa
nangis kk?
S : em,
hanya respon naluriah karena rasa sedih dan capek, yah. Rasa kesel dan putus
asa juga jadi bumbunya.
A : Kenapa
harus sedih? Coba pikir, kk lulus ujian nasional buat apa? Buat masuk perguruan
tinggi favorit? Setelah itu ? Setelah
kuliah dan kerja sukses mau apa? Buat bahagia kan? Nah, Kasihan sekali hidup kk
jika begitu. Bahagia jika ini jika itu. Seharusnya bahagia itu simple.
S : …
A : Semakin
kita dewasa semakin mengerti banyak hal. Lalu, kita sendiri jugalah yang
akhirnya tahun demi tahun menambah
syarat untuk menjadi bahagia. Baru bahagia jika syarat itu terpenuhi. Misal :
Saya bahagia kalau punya rumah dan mobil
mewah. Kenapa harus rumah dan mobil merah dulu baru bahagia. Kenapa tidak sekarang saja, sekarang juga. Tanpa syarat
apapun. Bahagia itu independen sayang. Pada akhirnya semua usaha yang kita lakukan, sekolah, bekerja, belajar,
berteman, berpasangan tujuan akhirnya adalah kebahagiaan. Happiness adalah hidden motif banyak orang. Tujuan akhir
banyak orang adalah untuk bahagia. Yang bodoh
berusaha untuk terus belajar agar ia tak dilecehkan lagi, agar ia dapat
menggapai mimpi-mimpinya, untuk bahagia.
Bahagia adalah sebuah tujuan akhir. Lalu, kapan kita bahagia? Saat semua tujuan
hidup ini tercapai kita baru berbahagia?
Rugi besar itu. Karena saat ini juga kita bisa bahagia. Mau susah mau senang.
Mana yang
lebih nikmat? Dalam keadaan susah atau
senang selalu bahagia sambil terus bekerja dan bersyukur, atau susah maupun senang tidak bahagia?
---(tambah nangis entah kenapa)
A : Jadilah
bahagia sekarang juga.
S : Baiklah,
The key
point is so simple for me " Happiness is without stipulation ever,
happiness is simply, don’t make it
Yap, happy
is simply. Don’t make it hard to do.
Happines is
simply feeling, as simple as when we was child we laugh very much because
little candy,"-Seka-
Finally, I
totally agree with these quotes.
purpose of our life is to be happy," Dalai lama.
have our own blessing. By that, we are able to dreams by actualising our
blessings." -Citra Natasya.
ever let someone tell you that you cant do something. You got a dreams, you
gotta protect it. When people cant do
something themselves, they are gonna
tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period" (Pursuit of Happiness).
believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calories burner. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be growing wrong. I believe that
happy girl are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
For being
Free our
heart from hatred
Free your
heart from worried, stop worrying too
Worry just
make you take something shortly and too suddenly without see another dimention
of the problems.
Live simply
and give more.
Expect less,
jangan banyak ngarep, kata orang 'the more you expect something, the more pain
you should suffer.
Go out there
and make a history, history of a happy person. You are alive and by that you
should create a happy life.
( Citra
Natasya, Young on Top)
Gak tau mau bilang apa. Tapi suka banget baca posting ini. How a amazing post! :)
ReplyDeleteHonestly, that's also my one of my fave posting ^_^
ReplyDeleteYes, happiness is simple, just like you are smile a lot just because reading the simple posting, as simple as it.
Lets keeping our happiness, semangat.