
Showing posts from October, 2013

Read read read

recommended girlsss....  Setuju banget sama Salma, baca deh postingnya... sampai sekarang belum gabung ke UKM manapun, masih menimbang mana yang tepat untuk dijadikan tempat berlabuh, sebenernya, simple reason, aku ga mau sia-siakan waktu, upaya, keringat, tenaga dan pikiran untuk sesuatu yang tidak menghasilkan pundi-pundi akhirat dan atau beresiko mengalihkan fokus menuju keduniawian. yah, kan tergantung manusianya? wii... oleh karena itu, aku mau wadah yang dapat mengembangkan bakat, sekaligus berorientasi menambah pundi-pundi akhirat. dimana itu semua bisa tercapai?

“What is our study motivation?”

“What is our study motivation?” This question was quite interesting to think about. The fundamental question. What is our study motivation? What is the motive behind all our study activities? Are our motivations of study  just for getting our bachelor or diploma degrees?

Observe, Copy and Modify it!

If you want to be succesfull, find someone who has achieved the result you want and copy, then improve what they do and you will achieve the same result. Tony Robbins. After devided into several groups to ask the senior anything relate to International Program, each of the group facilitated by one peer for knowing deeper about International Program activities and cetera. The conversation was running nice and fun. We talked about the detail of IP Programmes such as Outbond Management Training, Student Exhchange, International Conference and competition.   Other interesting topics is relating to IP Student Assosication such as International Program Forum, IP Buddy, IP Chat and more. We discussed what and how to achieve it.

My Academic Plan

 A champion needs a motivation beyond winning (Part Riley) Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal (Unknown) . Setting goals is the first in turning the invisible in the visible (Anthoy Robbins) Then, Bismillah, By the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah,  I'm Fakhirah Inayaturrobbaniy, proudly achieve that goal on time or earlier than the deadline.  Then, thank you for making real this dream. Above is my  study plan. and how about yours? Beside that, I measure the obstacles, my strenght and my weakness, the treaths and opportuninty. It was simple analysis. Called SWOT. Nb: Tips for praying to Allah, do you still remember how Allah is depend on someone believe? That is the point, for make our believe stronger, make our pray past tense and thanksful because we have achieved the goals. it is just a trick but it is work for me! The last, we know Allah always make the right plan fo...