My Academic Plan

 A champion needs a motivation beyond winning (Part Riley)
Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal (Unknown).
Setting goals is the first in turning the invisible in the visible (Anthoy Robbins)

Then, Bismillah, By the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.
I'm Fakhirah Inayaturrobbaniy, proudly achieve that goal on time or earlier than the deadline. 
Then, thank you for making real this dream.

Above is my  study plan. and how about yours?
Beside that, I measure the obstacles, my strenght and my weakness, the treaths and opportuninty. It was simple analysis. Called SWOT.

Nb: Tips for praying to Allah, do you still remember how Allah is depend on someone believe? That is the point, for make our believe stronger, make our pray past tense and thanksful because we have achieved the goals.
it is just a trick but it is work for me!

The last, we know Allah always make the right plan for us. then, result domain is always right and the best from him.
so, do the best, believe the best, and Let Allah realise our believe.

Say amin for our dreams, guys.

Big Huge


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