I'm trying, that's it.
Many people said to life fullest it must abandon to compare ourself with other.
sometime i agree n disagree at same.
Based on my heart condition today, i choose to stop compare my self with others. it's damn peaceful when i did it. although, as an achiever girl it so hard to do. because, have a goal and compare with other is empowering my self.
Lately, like i dont have full of confident at all like as usuall. it's embarassing. but it's my conditon dis time.
the one i have is Allah. Im put all my dreams on Allah fate. so, i feel more calm and carry on, :'D.
Yap, i worried to about how my life next. but i have to recover soon all my worried.
When other ask, "are you okay?", always the same question. I answer with smile on my face, "I'm okay, you no need to worry," always the same lie.
I think thats is not a lie at all, the true is " I'm always trying my best," that's it.
I just try to convince my self that will come a time that i have to stop rembering my mistakes and move on, no regret in, life is just a lesson.
So, to all my friends, who fighter like me, lets our past mistakes are meant to guide us, not define us...
with all my heart,
Zwanisha Robbaniy
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