Thanking Allah :'D

Have you ever thanking to our God because we've ever failed before?
Yes I did. I can never thank Allah enough for bring 'F' into my life. 

I'm thankful I've failed many times before.
So, when I was successful I can proudly say that this is the result of hard work and prayer continuely.  Not a fluke factor.

To be honest, I can not understand why there are people who are so easy to get what he wants. good in terms of academic, social, economic and family.But, I believe the justice of Allah. he never wasted effort and servants. He obliges himself to helping those who have faith to him.:'D
What I'm enjoyed the concept of God's justice of 'a process'. God never change our process with the other person. I may have to undergo extreme bitterness when I had to achieve something that I want. I didn't realize that I become stronger from day to day. : 'D. and I experienced the power of the process I will never be confused with anyone else.

I am thankful for the failure so I know what is success mean well. as well as achieving a sense of pleasure. as well as the incredible gratitude when dreams come true.

I am thankful that because of failure I had the nicest people that God prepared on my side to get through those times.

I am grateful, failure, provide a thousands strong motivation  which I have not appeared previously.

I'm thankful I've failed before, so I can help people who are feeling a failure. because I know the feeling and emotion

Frequently that distinguishes a successful person with the ability or the failure is not a brilliant idea, but the spirit which is owned by a person to risk their ideas, with all the risks that have been taken into account and the courage to keep it consistent.


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