"And Do Not Mix The Truth With The Falsehood"(TMQ 2:42)
States of Compromise are States of Falsehood the Ends Do Not Justify the Means.
A deadly conflict is taking place right now all over the world. A battle for the hearts and minds of the Muslims. A battle between Truth and Falsehood. A constant bombardment of lies from the Western media. An unrelenting onslaught by secular institutions and individuals. Portraying Islam as blind, irrational and fanatical. Accusing Islam as oppressive and destructive, having no place in the civilised world of today. A propaganda campaign with one single aim. To achieve victory over Truth. To remove Islam from the face of the earth., by making Muslims abandon it. The Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their Beliefs (and leave your own). To win, Falsehood cannot accept any less than that. It is the opposite of Truth. With the removal of Islam would come the complete submission of the Islamic Ummah to all the falsehood that is thrust upon it.
The occupation of Islamic land, as is seen in Israel and Kashmir. The slaughter of Muslims, as was seen during the Gulf war. The mass rape of the daughters of the Ummah , as seen in Bosnia. The exploitation of the oil resources in the middle east, as seen in Saudi Arabia. The failure of this propaganda is clear and total. This is because the Ummah has grown in its awareness of Islam. Islam is now the fastest growing belief of the planet. All over the Islamic land the Ummah is restless with the desire to see the end of the implementation of kufr upon her. Full of expectation and the return of Islam as a way of life. The truth is clearer in the hearts and minds of Muslims. As it becomes clear, it stands apart from the falsehood. Muslims are more able to see the battlelines between Islam and kufr (falsehood). That they cannot mix, for anything less than the truth is falsehood. Truth cannot compromise with falsehood for then what is left is falsehood "And do not mix the truth with falsehood" (TMQ 2:42)
So Muslims can see clearly the battle between truth verses falsehood. Jihad against those who occupy Islamic Land verses surrender to them. Unity of the Islamic lands under one Khalif verse its division under the United nations. Using the wealth of the Ummah for the citizens of the Islamic State verses it having it stolen by multinational companies. Ruling by Islam verses ruling by man made law, democracy. Making the truth the sole judgement in each matter verses settling for less than that, secularism.
So the forces of falsehood have devised a new plan of attack, compromise. A plan that deals with the reality of Islam's hold on the hearts and minds of Muslims. This new plan is to hide the ugly face of kufr behind Islamic slogans. To goad the Ummah to swallow the bitter pill of kufr by giving it an Islamic flavouring. So Clinton tries to hide the ugly face of Israeli occupation of Islamic land, by quoting Qur'anic verses on the white house lawn. Numerous sheikhs in Islamic lands have fabricated fatwas to justify the so-called peace process. Mixing kufr with Islam. A new kind of falsehood, a falsehood with the truth mixed in. A falsehood called compromise, making the eating of pig halal, as it were.
Surely the crowing glory for this devious plan is to try to hide entire governments of compromise form the eyes of the Islamic Ummah. Shielding their huge corruption by a few Shari'ah laws here and there. Governments that are based on a mix of Islam and kufr. So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia becomes the state of Tawheed because it implements a few of the punishments from Shari'ah. Sudan becomes an Islamic Dowla because it mentions the Qur'an as one of the sources of its constitution. Iran and Pakistan adds the prefix "Islamic republic of" and Saddam Hussein stuck "Allahu Akbar" onto the Iraqi flag! To plead with the Ummah that these "Islamic" regimes are somehow different from the other regimes that pollute the Islamic lands. That Saudi Arabia is Islamic but Syria is not. That Sudan is Islamic but Tunisia is not. To beg the Ummah to support them rather than remove them. This is a lie. For despite their lipservice to Islam, a few Shari'ah laws here and there, These "Islamic" governments are governments of falsehood too, because they are built on compromise.
In fact the falsehood is the main ingredient in their compromise. Very little of the compromise has Islamic laws. For these "Islamic" regimes have pledged themselves to manmade law. In other words the whole basis for their government is kufr. Even though Allah T'aala accepts none other than his law..
"Indeed the rule
is for none but Allah" (TMQ 6: )
the latest liar, Arbakan of Turkey, showed one face to the Ummah and his real
face to the world when he swore to " respect the secular constitution of
the country, as well as the democratic and secular principles of
Attaturk". Sudan in its constitution proudly boasts partners with Allah T'aala, by declaring that one of its source of law is the tradition of the Sudanese people.
With such a corrupt basis other aspects are bound to manifest falsehood.
Their regimes are infested with nationalism and racism, even though the prophet (saw) said " Leave nationalism, it is rotten"
Despite this action being forbidden, all these so called 'Islamic States' are built around a certain nationality, so the heads of these states must be of that race. So Iran insists that its leader must be Persian. Did the Muslims of the first Islamic State in Medina reject the Prophet (saw) as a leader because he was not a Muslim? Also in Saudi Arabia there are appeal courts which consider the tribe of a person in their assessment, and non-Saudis cannot marry Saudi women.
Their two faced compromise is not confined to matters within the State. All these nations for all their Islamic slogans are members of the racist secular United nations. If this were not enough Arbakan of Turkey added verbal support to what is written. He said he would ' honour all international agreements and treaties which turkey has signed'. For the' Islamic republic of Pakistan' this involved sending her soldiers to fight fellow Muslims in Somalia as part of the United Nation's Operation Restore Hope.
The economy shows compromises. Arbakan2 the aim of our government is to generate all conditions which help implement a free trade". What is meant by free trade is that the foreign powers will have free access to the resources of the Islamic Ummah. So it was King Fahd's 'State of Tawhid' that helped to finance the massacre of Muslims during the Gulf war. The trade was so 'free' that the Saudi regime went into debt for the first time in its history as it couldn't pump oil out of the ground fats enough for Operation Desert Storm. Even though by Islam such resources are prohibited to any individual or the state, as by their nature they are public resources. For the prophet 9saw) said ' The human beings are partners in three things, waters, green pastures and fire-based fuels'.
These regimes deal freely in interest, a matter which is decisively rejected in Islam.
Yet when they and their supporters are held to account for their compromise, they have the gall to claim that Islam allows it. Rather than denouncing their sinful deeds, they insist that Islam itself allows them to mix Islam with kufr. Insisting that the eating of pig is halal as it were. So when Muslims demand the correction of these sins, they claim that the Prophet (saw) compromised. When Muslims work to remove their illegitimate rule, they and their supporters plead with the Muslims to be patient. Insisting that this compromise is only temporary and hat they will gradually introduce more and more Islam. Claiming that Islam allows gradualism' (tadarruj). They admit kufr is being implemented alongside the truth, but that this is a temporary situation, a transitional stage. That one day by this compromise they will establish the Khilafah. That gradually Islam will be established, so the end justifies the means. That something is better than nothing. That is like saying one needs to steal in order to pay Zakat. Eating pig-meat to break the fast of Ramadan. Committing Zina in order to get married. These actions would never be tolerated by them, yet they will commit the sin of compromise to achieve the Islamic State.
It is clearly shown that this compromise is a lie against the Deen. For the Prophet (saw) refused to compromise one Islamic Law. The Qur'aysh offered to him control of the government for one entire year. None of the present 'Islamic' regimes have anything even close to this offer. However the Qur'aysh were rejected because they wanted to rule the next year and let the people decide between Islam and kufr after that. Allah T'aala rejected this offer of compromise with Surah-al-Kafiroon. Another tribe, Bani 'Amr bin Sa'sa offered the Prophet (saw) government, but with one compromise. That the ruler would come from them when the Prophet (saw) passed away. They were rejected by the Prophet (saw) saying, that 'The authority is a matter of Allah'. For compromising even one law is one law too many. Let alone the huge compromises the existing regimes have made. Islam must be implemented absolutely and exclusively.
As for their lie that gradualism (taddaruj) allows compromise. They rightfully say that Qur'an was not revealed to the prophet (saw) all at once. They rightfully say that therefore the drinking of alcohol, marriage to idolaters and dealing in interest were not prohibited at once. However they then conclude that this justifies the gradual implementation of Islamic laws and so it allows a situation of compromise. This conclusion is wrong. This is because although the Qur'anic ayyahs were revealed gradually, the rules that they carry are to be implemented completely once they were revealed. So once the ayyah banning marriage to idolaters was revealed, no one can marry an idolater from that time with the excuse that the rule is to be gradually implemented. Furthermore, Allah T'aala has said. "Today I have perfected your Deen and completed may favour upon you" (TMQ 5: )
Islamic revelation has been completed and all of Islam must be completely implemented. There is no excuse for the existing regimes to implement kufr with a sprinkling of Islam. To say otherwise would lead the door open for the drinking of alcohol and the eating of pig.
Finally some would say correctly that under certain conditions the eating of pig would be halal, under the Islamic law of duress (Idhtirar). That when one is starving to the point of death , one may eat meat that is normally forbidden if nothing else is available. They also correctly say that under the Islamic law of compulsion (Ikrah), i.e. when one's life is threatened, one can lie about their belief in Islam. However, they wrongfully conclude that this allows them to implement other than Islam. Firstly no one compelled them or forced them to take positions in government. Rather they forced themselves upon the Ummah with a great greed to take power. Secondly the rule of duress restricts permission to eating and drinking. It is not a passport to permit all actions like stealing, adultery, murder and so on.
Muslims denounce these regimes of compromise and their feeble lies for excuses! Their actions are lie those of the lying pretenders An-Nadr ibn al-Harith who used to stand in the wake of Rasul Allah (saw) and ask, "what is the difference between what he has brought and what I bring?" His effect was to undermine, and to divert those who had an inkling to the truth to fall headlong into the falsehood. And rendered them wary and distrustful of the truthful.
Muslims, to hide the ugly face of kufr in the warm Islamic sentiment is indeed a lowly tactic. For it enslaves many Muslims instead of fighting to remove the kufr regimes, working for them, believing them to be Islam. Instead of exposing the kufr of Saudi Arabia and Iran, supporting them. Rather than accounting the ruler to be patient with them. Pushing the agenda of these regimes rather than working to remove them. Their feeble excuses must be ripped asunder, so that the Ummah can see they are no different from all the other regimes hat pollute the Islamic lands. That they like all the others must be removed. For they deny Islam its rightful place to be the sole judge on all matters. They deny Islam its role as guardian for the land, lives, wealth and honour of the Islamic Ummah. They incur the wrath of Allah for their trifling gains of power. Hoping to lull the Ummah into a false sense of security, before dealing her the fatal blow of secularism whilst her guard is down. Their actions are like those of the Jews. "Woe then unto those who write down, with their own hands (something which they claim to be ) divine writ, and then say, "This is from Allah' in order to acquire a trifling gain thereby; woe unto them for what their hands have written and woe unto them for all that they may have gained" (TMQ 2:79).
Muslims gain the knowledge of Truth so that it is clear from the falsehood! Surely the lying pretender is distinguished by his inability to provide the Truth. Do not be satisfied with compromise. It is forbidden. Do not be satisfied with the Islamicisation of kufr. Speak out against it. So that Jihad stands clear from surrender and humiliation. So Khilafah stands clear from democracy, dictatorship and monarchy. So that unity of the Islamic Ummah stands clear from its division. Gain culture so hat it fuels our desire to remove these kufr regimes that pollute the Islamic Lands. Gain culture for Insh'Allah this generation will be the generation of the Khilafah. The generation that will account that Khalif so that future generations will never again face the tyranny of States of Falsehood.
Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain
khilafah@netcomp.net Last Revision:
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