My Greenpeal
This story
happened when I was doing my Biology task. Like another 12th grade student, I must
do an experiment of the effect of growth factors, internal or external factor.
As my
assigment I took the water effect of greenpeal growth and development. Long
day, I though mostly of my friend took the same factor too. It was so common.
So, I had an idea to add another factor. That was ‘water character’.
So, my focus
developed to the topic ‘ The Influence
of water characteristization to greenpeal seed (Phaseolus radiatus L) growth’. Pengaruh
air berkarakter terhadap pertumbuhan biji kacang hijau.
I began researched and I had gotten the result, yippo.
How was?
Simply, I had two water mineral. I just differentiated
the treatment both of it. The first water mineral, I gave my best treatment :D. ( Ex: It was
sounded by the murottal every morning) and
the second water was the opposite.
So I did the same to the both of seeds while they were
Amazingly, there are influences of the greenpeal seed growth,
considered by the water characterization aspect. So, the greenpal that grew up by bad
treatment shall grow bad and the greenpeal which is grew up by good treatment will show the opposite.
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