Untuk semua yang nambah umur tahun ini

Dear friends...

Untuk semua yang umurnya nambah tahun ini.
 Juga untuk semua yang tahun depan umurnya bakal nambah.
 aku doain semua tambah lancar jaya, tambah sholih dan sholihah, tambah berbakti sama ortu, dikasih kesehatan yang berkah sama Allah, tambah semangat mencapai cita-cita.


you should know that

it doesn't mean I don't want to pray for your additional age, folks.
really, i just wanna pray on you not just on those days. the days where we turning into the next age life opportunity.

i just wanna say. i really really love you all..
 though without saying HBD.

klik klik klik this link :)
HBD celebration is such kind of non Islamic teaching. (bukan ajaran Islam). 
and kind of a resemblance to kuffar (tasyabbuh)

I love you with all my heart in Allah way, dear.
Allah bless you this year.
Allah bless you with the additional change to life.
I love you in my silence..

Love u, love u, love u, love.
with all my heart.
u can say this was a bullshit statement.

up to you,
but, i swear. :)


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