Gue nggak tahu harus mulai nulis dari mana.
(sorry for using 'aku','saya', and 'gue' randomly, it just based on my mood)
Let’s begin from ‘the quotation of the day’.
Several days ago, when I was reading an article from Chuck Gallozi, I got this quotation.
"The difference between a mean word and a kind word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug”
"Perbedaan antara kata yang berarti dan kata yang baik adalah perbedaan antara kilat dan suara petir"
Hai there…. Hai yang ada disana. Kapan sih terakhir kali kita pernah mikir the power of speaking? When actually was the last time you thought about the power of speech?
Previously, I read a newspaper named ‘Media Umat’ and found interesting things about speaking. Many people say, action harder than speak, please. Kalau basa betawinya mah ‘lu jangan ngomong aja, kerja!’. Kerja, kerja, kerja, sedikitkan ngomong.
Nggak bener-bener salah sih, hanya….
Di artikel itu menjelaskan kalau, ‘ngomong’ itu adalah ‘part of behavior juga’.
In another word, ngomong itu pada dasarnya lagi beraktifitas.
Yang perlu dibedakan adalah jenis omongannya, nggak semua omongan tuh useless. Yap, seberapa berkualitas sih ngomong kita dan apa yang kita omongin?
When speaking, are we always aware that we use speech to inspire, strike fear, dissuade, persuade, console, hurt, disappoint, encourage, educate, censure, exchanges ideas, vent feelings, pontificate, argue, thank, threaten, ridicule, criticize, cheer, sadden, curse, brag, comfort, insult, provoke, incite, or apologize?
Further, before we speak do we remind yourself our words can express plenty of understanding, hate, love, praise, appreciation, resentment, kindness, respect, rudeness, or wisdom?
Do we use it properly? To tell joke? Spread rumor? Wrench tears? Or instill hope?
(Chuck Gallozi)
Do you realize how much power your words have to make a difference in the lives of others.
Let’s think about it for a moment.
Misal, hari ini kita motivasi 2 orang to do a good things. Terus besoknya dua orang itu motivates others too. Kalau prosesnya terjadi tiap hari, 128 orang akan mendapat manfaatnya di akhir pekan ini. Kalau terus berlanjut sampai dua minggu, tiga minggu aja at least udah TWO MILLION PEOPLE benefiting from kinds acts that you initiated! Dua jutaa orang. Wow.
Tapi, mari kita lebih rasional.
Kalau misal di akhir minggu cuma setengah aja yang ‘tercerahkan’. Sooo, merely it would be 10.000 people better off because of our two acts of kindness.
Can you imagine how enormous power we have through SPEAKING…
Nah, seberat-berat dan sebaik-baik perkataan adalah amar ma’ruf nahiy munkar alias dakwah. Kalau walisongo diem mingkem cep di Jawa, mana ada pulau jawa hari ini ‘tercerahkan’ hhe. Lebih, ekstrimnya, kalau Nabi Muhammad SAW yang bungkam. Apa yang akan terjadi…? Kalau Guru fisika kita langsung nyontohin praktik tanpa penjelasan, bakal ngerti nggak kira-kira kita apa dan bagaimana caranya bisa terjadi?
Yes, speaking is powerful.
Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not so many a have fallen by the tongue.
maka mari bicara yang baik
bicara yang baik
bertindak yang baik
sesuai Islam tentu saja
Selamat bereksperimen, kawaaan...
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